Larmmy is a tech enthusiast and an entrepreneur who loves to spend her free time exploring the world. She has been on various trips to many countries across different continents. She is the founder of Jelarmmy LLC, which includes Jelarmmy Travel as a member company. Jelarmmy Travel has successfully managed exclusive and group travel experiences for its members to various countries around the world.
She is an influential figure on social media, with about 80,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter) under the handle @larmmy and her travel page, Jelarmmy Travels (@JeLarmmyTravels). Jelarmmy Travels specializes in travel consulting, destination marketing, and creating customized itineraries for your travel needs.
Top Questions and Answers from X with Larmmy
X user [@Champagnediet1]: What is something you never regret spending money on?
Larmmy: Travel
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: What’s one of your most memorable travel experiences you have had with Daddy Tade (Larmmy’s Husband)?
Larmmy: This is funny because, despite me being the travel person, our two most memorable places were Yomi’s (Larmmy’s Husband) idea. The first was when we went to Washington, DC, and actually entered the White House.
The second was my birthday trip last year. Rome was his idea, and we loved every minute of it. We keep talking about how we need to go back soon.
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: How do you both decide on your travel destinations? Do you have a travel bucket list together?
Larmmy: Yes, we do. We have a shared note that we update with places we want to see and we cross out places we have already been too.
How do we decide where to go? Owning a travel company gives me access to deals all the time, so once I see a good deal for a place on our list, I send the dates to him to see if his schedule is available. If it is, we lock it in. If it is not, I go alone [laugh emojis].
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: Have you discovered any unique cultural experiences during your travels that really stood out to you?
Larmmy: They all stand out.
One of the things I have enjoyed most about places I have been to is learning about these cultures. From learning Bachata in DR to dancing Soca in St Lucia. to seeing how much the Roman Empire preserved their architecture till date to seeing the Kukulkan temple in Mexico.
Those things just stay with you, and that’s the beauty of travel. I can’t wait to see more. Let’s not get started with the fooood [laugh emoji].
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: Speaking of food, what’s the best dish you’ve tried while traveling? DO you have a favorite cuisine?
Larmmy: This is hard. I don’t have a favorite cuisine. I just really like to try food from their origin. Example, eating tacos in Mexico, pasta carbonara and gelato in Italy, and the real mangu in Punta Cana. That’s my favorite thing to do.
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: Have you had the chance to enjoy Ikokore (A common food among Ijebu people) with Daddy Tade in his hometown? If not, is it on your list to try, considering you have explored so many cuisines right from their origins?
Larmmy: I have had Ikokore but not with him yet. I’m definitely open to it.
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced while traveling, and how did you overcome it?
Larmmy: The travel challenges I hate the most would be canceled flights. They have me wishing I have a private jet [laugh emoji]. Or when the airline misplaced our bags in July. They eventually found and brought them to us.
However, my biggest challenge was when I hurt my ankle in Florida. It dampened the vacation for me. Ended up getting surgery when I got back home. I’m still recovering. That was crazy.
X User [@Maryam_shay]: Do you have any funny or strange travel stories?
Larmmy: It has to be when my husband and I got lost in the airport in Rome [laugh emoji].
We were looking for a lounge, and we ended up taking the wrong door where you can’t turn back. There’s a show here called To Catch A Smuggler. Yomi and I were joking about the show when this happened.
The airport security saw us trying to turn back into this “no turning back forbidden door” while laughing about the word “smuggler” in English.
Long story short, they subjected us to another security search. We were laughing the whole time. Good thing we didn’t miss our flight.
X User [@KR3Wmatic]: Are there any upcoming trips you are excited about?
Larmmy: I have the first @jelarmmy Ultimate Girls Trip coming up in January. This one I’m super excited about. Those ladies are in for the treat of a lifetime! [laugh and dance emoji].
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You can also follow Larmmy at @larmmy on X and @larmmy_d on Instagram, and connect with our co-founder @sissy_eko on Instagram.
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